Thursday, April 28, 2011

Another Formal Complaint


Apelred & friends wish to register a formal complaint about their lack of recent adventuring. They are not impressed with excuses about 'real life' and wish to remind their 'handler' of these wise words "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."
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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Didn't see this coming

Turbine to take global control by 1st June.

Looks like us Europeans will need to transfer our accounts to new servers.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Extracting 3rd Age Legacy to Transfer to 2nd Age Weapon

Apelred extracted his T4 - Ranged Skill Evade Chance (RSEC) from his 3rd Age Bow and used it to replace Merciful Shot Cooldown on his 2nd Age Bow. His logic being better to have a benefit every shot than once in a while.
Note that the legacy is added as a 2nd Age Legacy -283 RSEC and not a 3rd Age Legacy -264 RSEC. It was a Tier 4 but was extracted as a Tier 2, not sure if this is a -2 tier penalty or just a flat Tier 2 every time. Update: it is a flat Tier 2, info by sandsonsorganicchickens.

The slideshow shows the step by step process of Legacy Transfer.

Update - L50 to L59 extracted legacies can only be applied up to L60 items as Apel found when deconstructing his L59 Mace the other day.