Drop by for a smoke anytime :)
Already half filled the chest - now I need to get the decorators in.
Update - Apelred lies down after a hard days wallpapering.

Apelred made level 41 this week by completing Misty Mountain (Pottery), Ost Forod (Thauk) and Tal Bruinen (Woods equipment set) quests. The pic is the view south near Tal Bruinen settlement.
The Tal Bruinen quests involved a bit of running between there and Thorenhad (note if you are defeated in Tal Bruinen you get resurrected near Thorenhad which is convenient for the Toad Stew and Giant Footprint quests).
He also managed to kill enough goblins in Tum Fuin where Thauk can be found to get his Hobbit-Silence (feign death) hobbit race trait.