The Flaming Halflings venture into Carn Dum and defeat the final group of Champions of Carn Dum until we encountered Mordirith who's fear, dread and debuffs proved too much for our party. We will return better equipped to finish him off!
Apelred toyed with the idea of getting a delux house for 7 gold now he can afford it but decided instead to give up 2 Wending Way for a room with a view at 1 Chalk Road in the Larchglen district. Sadly his pesky dormouse did not follow him to the new house. Update - pesky dormouse returned to Florandir who has installed the little chap in the new house.
The Flaming Halflings muster a full fellowship to venture into Carn Dum for a great night of adventuring. The only hiccup was when Aconite & Tormay got knocked off a bridge by a Troll. Apelred was gifted a Medallion of Passage and the Putrid Slime of Helchgam that he needs for his final legendary quest. He also picked up a page of 'A Shot in the Dark' leaving only one page to find in the Misty Mountains. Tormay made level 53. What a great night!