Apelred, Brenville & Colzarak fight their way from the 21st Hall to the 1st Hall and then out into the fresh air for a first glimpse of Lothlorien. Those elves are an untrusting lot so expect us to clear up orc filth and the like to gain their trust! Wouldn't happen in the Shire!!
A few quests later and Apelred just made level 58 which gives him Distracting Shot (a stun) to go with Bards Arrow (fear) for some much needed interrupt capability.
Apelred (thanks the Flaming Halflings help) has been assisting dwarfs for Vol 2 Book 4 Chapters 3,4 & 5.
He also dinged level 57 during quests in the Waterworks, and got a level 57 legendary x-bow, and the 21st Hall travel skill, and slotted a class trait so quite a good couple of nights questing!
Apelred does lots of waving at dwarfs in Vol 2 Book 3 Chapter 7 and then joins the Flaming Halflings & friend in the Forgotten Treasury after which he does the precurser quests in the Deep Decent (that's the wrong order methinks).
Apelred ventures to the icy north of Forochel to progress the search for the second half of the ring Narchuil. Aided by Brenville & Aconite, Apelred manages to gain the trust of the northerners and learns the fate of the last king of Arnor, Arvedui.