Hunters are getting interrupt & remove corruption skills!!! Hooray and thankyou devs.
Changes are also due for Champs, Loremasters and especially Cappies.
The Lead the Charge & Leader of Men trait lines for Cappies are being reorganised, not sure of the implications but would like to find out as I am leveling Grimberg my Cappy atm, recently got him to level 40.
Doc Holiday has kindly done some number crunching of the Cappy changes in his blog
UPDATE - Reading around the forums
- Extra Level 1 Melee skill "Sure Strike" to alleviate early leveling boredom (good)
- Banners have been nerfed making Heralds more of an option at higher levels (not got to high enough level to affect me).
- Tier 5 and 6 crafted Armaments are now available (better get leveling my Tailor :))
- Lead the Charge is now DPS/Herald line (includes Oathbreaker pet)
- Leader of Men is now Tanking/Buffing line
- Hands of Healing is unchanged as Healing line
Here is the original Lotro Beta Journal post
UPDATE - well nearly two months later it looks like Codemasters & Turbine have resolved their legal difficulties and us Europeans will get the Free to Play upgrade on Tuesday 2nd November as per this Codemasters announcement.