Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Class Changes in F2P Release

Just spotted this great summary on Casual Stroll to Mordor of the Class changes coming our way in F2P (Free to Play).
Hunters are getting interrupt & remove corruption skills!!! Hooray and thankyou devs.

Changes are also due for Champs, Loremasters and especially Cappies.

The Lead the Charge & Leader of Men trait lines for Cappies are being reorganised, not sure of the implications but would like to find out as I am leveling Grimberg my Cappy atm, recently got him to level 40.

Doc Holiday has kindly done some number crunching of the Cappy changes in his blog

UPDATE - Reading around the forums

  • Extra Level 1 Melee skill "Sure Strike" to alleviate early leveling boredom (good)
  • Banners have been nerfed making Heralds more of an option at higher levels (not got to high enough level to affect me).
  • Tier 5 and 6 crafted Armaments are now available (better get leveling my Tailor :))
  • Lead the Charge is now DPS/Herald line (includes Oathbreaker pet)
  • Leader of Men is now Tanking/Buffing line
  • Hands of Healing is unchanged as Healing line
Here is a post on Lotro Weekly with screen shots comparing Live with Beta

Here is the original Lotro Beta Journal post

UPDATE - well nearly two months later it looks like Codemasters & Turbine have resolved their legal difficulties and us Europeans will get the Free to Play upgrade on Tuesday 2nd November as per this Codemasters announcement.

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Vol 1 Book 15 One Hope Remains (Spoiler)

Apelred soloed Vol 1 Book 15 Chapter 12 fighting through Gador Gularan & bravely protecting Narmeleth who was very gung ho! Eventually they faced Mordrambor with Apelred very slowly chipping away at him while Narmeleth kept the curse of Narchuil at bay. Eventually Mordrambor was defeated and Narmeleth regained the powerful ring. Would Amarthiel return? Apelred let out a big sigh of relief as the ring was tossed into the fire and was destroyed.

Apelred very nearly lost Narmeleth fighting through to face Mordirith, desperately trying to get the aggro of the Angmarim & spiders before she was defeated. They made it, and finally faced Mordirith who met his end at the hands of the redeemed Elf.So after a long gap Apelred has finally finished Volume 1 and has his sturdy Grey Pony to ride as a reward.
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