Saturday, March 19, 2011

Grimberg finishes Vol 1 Book 5

Grimberg defeats Skorgrim, sees Thorog reborn and gives a Nazgul a good thrashing.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Grimberg visits the frozen north in search of Long Lost 2nd Age Texts


Grimberg was struggling to find Long Lost 2nd Age Texts (LL2AT) to master Scholar tier 5. Bree rep dungeon is no longer a good source of tier 5 scholar items. They sell for about 100s each on the AH. So a trip to the far north west of Forochel was on the cards. Camping in Kibilzahar for an hour netted the 30 LL2AT needed combined with 50% crafting acceleration scroll meant mastery of tier 5 could be completed. This gave Grimberg a chance to measure the effect of Loyalty on his heralds ability to off tank on level mobs. It seemed to make a significant difference and he will keep that trait slotted as it is also useful for AFK skirmishing.

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Grimberg skirmishes to level 47

Grimberg makes level 47 making a bit of a meal of Thievery & Mischief in the process.
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Friday, March 04, 2011

Filgogan Caves with map

Grimberg investigates the Filgogan Caves and creates a map to assist fellow adventurers navigate round this maze of caverns.

Filgogan Caves Map