Dear Grandma and Grandpa,
Apelpip and I have had a busy time in the Shire. We rode from Bree over the Brandywine Bridge and stayed at the Green Dragon Inn where we had a great time drinking, dancing and listening to stories by the fire.
Its not been all fun though when we heard rumours of a black rider in Budgeford. During our investigations we had to fight a pack of wolves and Apelbob came off badly after being too brave but he is OK now. We uncovered a nasty trick by a Followhide and the Budgeford pigs were quite upset, not respectable behaviour!
As well as adventuring we have been learning our crafts. Apelpip has been collecting copper and making himself some great armour. Apelbob has collected wood and made some useful weapons and is intending to get skilled enough to make musical instruments to improve his minstrel playing. In Brokenborings we learnt some hobbit history finding the lamp put here by the Hobbits who travelled from the west. Big brother Apelred has made Apelbob some fine clothes so fighting wolves should be a lot easier now.