Sunday, November 01, 2009

The Grand Stair & Trapper of Foes trait line

The Flaming Halflings help Apelred to get his Hunter's Class Quest that gives Explosive Arrow (30s stun) if 5 Trapper of Foes traits are slotted. Apelred is trying that setup and it adds variety to the Hunter game play & makes you think a lot more. DPS is noticeably reduced and Penetrating Shot is on 30s cooldown so you cannot rely on a straight damage race and have to use the trapper options, Penetrating Shot 10s root, Combat Traps, Rain of Thorns, Explosive Arrow 30s stun & Bards Arrow fear. The 30s stun is good for taking out a big hitter when pulling a group. This setup stops one of my favorite combos Bards Arrow>Penetrating Shot (hits within 2 secs so does not break the fear) as the 10s root breaks the fear.

Trapper of Foes is not a general use setup so would require retraiting which costs 350s a time so 700s to swap to this setup & back again. Thats far too expensive so the only time I might use it would be when soloing where you need extra crowd control. Having tried this setup for two sessions the crowd control benefits do not outweigh the DPS reduction so its back to my Bowmaster and Hunstman combo (Strong Draw & Resolute Aim were unchanged - reslotted are Swift & True, Arrow Storm, Hail of Arrows, Critical Eye and Swift Recovery)

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