Sunday, December 28, 2008

Fellowship Departs

Apelred assists the hobbits packing and watches the Fellowship depart on their perilous journey.

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Level 45 in Dûn Covád

Apelred & Colzarak completed "Dread in the Fallen City" and "False Orders" in Dun Covad getting Apelred up to level 45.

Then they went on to search for the Silk Lady.
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The Blade that was Broken

Apelred finally got time to witness the reforging of Narsil into Anduril Flame of the West.

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Beyond Rammas Deluon

Apelred braved the Watching Stones (top pic) to make it to Gabilshathur and speak to the Braigiar thus completing Book 6 and allowing him to take a number of quests from the Dwarfs - if only he had room in his quest log! Apelred needs to drop some of the older quests to make room but he is a bit pushed for adventuring time at the moment :(.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Tomb of Elendil - Third Time Lucky

Apelred (Hunter) & friends Phaedrus (Captain), Sofor (Guardian), Colzarak (Guardain) , Cyroen (Captain) braved the Tomb of Elendil yesterday. They fought the tomb robbers, kegrim, great tomb crawlers & Idella the Crypt Breaker but the Silithar had gone! Gwindeth told us it we would have to try and get it from Nornagol the Giant Turtle's lair without waking him!

More disease ridden kegrim were defeated on the way to the Giant Turtle's lair where we saw Crackshell a giant kegrim and Nornagol an enormous turtle asleep with the Silithar between them.

Jumping down, Crackshell attacked us and then kindly woke up the turtle who ate him! Nornagol's shell was nearly impenetrable and the belly flop stunned us all allowing the waves of little turtle friends to chew us up and we failed.

As long as we reenter the instance quickly we can continue where we left off. We decided the group was too low in both DPS & healing so Sofor gave way to Brenville (Minstrel) & Phaedrus gave way to Gastano (Hunter). Luckily Hwee (Guardian) came online and helped us out to make the fellowship 6 and give us a chance to crack Nornagol's shell with an all 6 Spider Guile (yellow) Fellowship manoeuvre.

So sprint through the now empty Tomb and try again. We didn't realise the extent of Sauron's cunning as he made the phone ring so Gastano didn't join the fight straight away and had an an elite kegrim in tow when he did. With the new fellowship we did a lot better and frustratingly got Nornagol down from 30,828 morale to just 800 before we all got defeated.

We were well over our allotted time but had to give it one more try. Sprint through the empty Tomb again. While waiting for the dread from defeat to wear off Apelred decided to take a screen shot and fell off the edge (Fool of a Hobbit). Luckily the sleepers did not wake up and we could wade in fully refreshed. This time things went a lot better and despite only getting to 5 yellows on the fellowship manoeuvre we defeated Nornagol without losing a man - HOORAY!

Gwindeth helpfully reminded us she told us not to wake the turtle (cheers) and we returned to Calenglad for our rewards wondering how this can be a level 40 quest???

Here is a slideshow of screen shots showing our trip down the Tomb of Elendil

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Sunday, November 30, 2008

2 Wending Way, Greyheights - Home of Apelred

Despite the credit crunch Apelred has joined the property ladder with a nice little standard house for 1G plus chest for an additional 100s at 2 Wending Way in the Greyheight Shire Homestead.

Drop by for a smoke anytime :)

Already half filled the chest - now I need to get the decorators in.

Update - Apelred lies down after a hard days wallpapering.

Bone-Speakers & Morcheryn

Apelred, Colzarak & Tormay finished off the Bone Speakers (in the pic one lies dead while Colzarak gives his Troll mates a good thrashing).

The party then went to find the Earth Kin Scout who is tucked away up a narrow path and took the quest to kill the Morroval (who have a most surprising catwalk gait) and then on to Slay the Mistress of Shadows Morcheryn in her dungeon. In the pic Apelred is annoying his Guardian by stealing the aggro (again) cheeky hobbit.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Level 44

Apelred made level 44 doing book 6 quest Challenging the Stone & Stone of Clucath & and some Ram Duath quests with help from Sterandir although we couldn't quite manage The Far Reaching Hand with just two of us :(.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Master & Matron

Apelred finished the Hill Beast private instance Master & Matron at the second attempt after realising Tasgall had more than 4,000 moral so could tank easily. Switching to endurance stance and not getting aggro on the Hill Beasts was the way to go. Its goodbye to Gastano's Travellers Cloak seen in the pic which has served Apelred for 15 levels as the Winter Cloak reward gives some much needed Fate.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Level 43

Apelred ventured into Morfil to complete Dark Raiders and gain level 43.

Revenge on the Gauradans

Apelred returned to seek revenge on the Gauradans (see Eregion post) with friends Colzarak (thanks for the fire oil and triple traps) and Tormay (Aeshac's older brother & a Minstrel) to complete the 'An End to the Enterprise' quest by killing three Ritualists. You have to take the figurines to Bree and then return to Tal Bruinen which should be a lot easier now there is a Stable Master there. However I could not seem to find the ride from the Rivendell stables so I took the ride to Gwingris which goes right past Tal Bruinen :). The Cause For Joy quest reward includes a very nice 26.8 DPS bow that does Beleriand damage. Apelred is trying to collect a bow/crossbow for each type of damage, currently having Common, Ancient Dwarf, Westernesse and now Beleriand which leaves Light damage remaining.
Here is the Lotro Wiki entry on Damage Types

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Aughaire first visit

Apelred made his first venture into Angmar today picking up a group of quests in Aughaire.

Salamanders Slain

Apelred, Aeshac & Colzarak got together to kill the Salamander breeding pair finishing the Rumming quest chain meaning no more swimming for a while :)

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Apelred got defeated in Echad Gauradan and was resurrected in a stange new land. Being a nosey hobbit he had a ride round the region carefully avoiding the level 52 Dunlandings and other assorted nasties. Here is the map after his travels. Note most stables require level 45 minimum to travel.

Notice the map maker still can't keep his coffee cup off his work, messy bugger :).

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Apelred shows his respect to the Blue Lady.

Level 42

Not the band but Apelreds latest achievement making level 42 by restoring Elendil's statues (The Corrupted Statue & The Lost Statue).

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Meeting With the Blue Lady

Apelred is working his way through the 20 quest sequence for the forging of Narsil that ends in the Tomb of Elendil Instance.

Here he talks to the Blue Lady after walking through the waterfall to find her domain. A magical experience the first time you experience it.

Then she asks him to go and kill more Salamanders, curses!

Rumming's Ridiculous Request - First Moria Session

Applied the 3Gb upgrade for Moria and rejoiced that quest items are now not taking up bag space, hooray :).

Apelred finally cracked and looked on for the location of the chests for the series of 3 Rumming's quests. The pic shows the view to the Warg Chest just visible down the hill.

He killed quite a few Salamanders and tried to advance the new deeds that have appeared with the Moria upgrade. The sets of class traits you can get look interesting. Still haven't got my head round the combat changes but the basics remain the same. It might be me, but my induction times seem slightly slower - mmmm.

Tried to solo the 2 Elite Salamanders for the last quest but failed miserably.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Aeshac is back for a trip to Dol Dinen

Apelred's trusty Loremaster friend Aeshac made a welcome return after a few weeks break and with Colzarak tanking for us we ventured into Dol Dinen. In the pic we take on Raugzok the Warg. We got halfway through Weakening the Tide killing Orc Bone Speakers who have an annoying heal just when you think you have them licked and a quest to collect pieces of Seige Engines that are surrounded by Ongburtz Combatants and mean Trolls. Apelred got in a bit of bother and was resurrected by Aeshac during the session - cheers.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Trap for the Creature Instance - Spoiler

Gollum's first appearance and the most fun in a quest so far.
SPOILER - these pics show some of the fun to be had waiting for and chasing Gollum.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Garb of the Woods

Apelred has been rewarded with his first equipment set Garb of the Woods (Woodlands Jacket, Band of the Woods and Shoulders of the Woods) giving a nice +27 agility bonus.

Also in the Character Journal you can see very fine Brilliant White Gold Rings and Sparkling Platinum Earrings.
Thanks to Touslemane for crafting these as a present for reaching level 40.

Level 41

Apelred made level 41 this week by completing Misty Mountain (Pottery), Ost Forod (Thauk) and Tal Bruinen (Woods equipment set) quests. The pic is the view south near Tal Bruinen settlement.

The Tal Bruinen quests involved a bit of running between there and Thorenhad (note if you are defeated in Tal Bruinen you get resurrected near Thorenhad which is convenient for the Toad Stew and Giant Footprint quests).

He also managed to kill enough goblins in Tum Fuin where Thauk can be found to get his Hobbit-Silence (feign death) hobbit race trait.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Garth Agarwen Revisited

Apelred (Hunter) and Colzarak (Guardian) revisted Garth Agarwen again and managed to get past Grimbark by using the Valour technique of running away. Despite being Level 40 & 41 we were defeated a couple of times and fell foul of respawns after 1 hour or patrols not exactly sure. The difficulty is running away does not work with mobile mobs as they just chase you relentlessly. As the pic shows we were cowering and have decided to wait until we can get a fuller strength party together.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Level 40

Apelred achieved level 40 hunting Snow Beasts in the Misty Mountains for his determination virtue.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Garth Agarwen

Apelred & Colzarak explored Garth Agarwen. They were defeated by the Gloom Waters and eventually found their way to Grimbark. It is a bit humiliating to be defeated by a Maddened Bee Hive!

Misty Mountains

Apelred ventured into the Misty Mountains for Snow Lurkers, Snow Beasts and Wargs.

Had a try at Book 5 but it was far too hard to solo at level 39.

Do you like the Riddle Masters hat? It keeps the cold out!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Book 4 Instance The Unmarked Trail

Boy this was hard, we had a party of 6 including Beoleth a level 50 Guardian and only just made it.

Apelred made level 39 during the quest so needed precision stance just to hit the level 42 mobs at all!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Level 38

Apelred did Book 4 Chap 5 & 6 with help from his friends & a few Ost Forod quests to make it to level 38.

In the pics we take on the elite trolls in the three troll dungeons of Trollshaws: Nurath, Thingroth and Torogrod ...

... and look for signs of the Nazgul with our Glorfindel's Beryls - there isn't any.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Hinchcliff no match for Apelred

Apelred completed a batch of quests around Ost Forod including out-shooting 'dead-eye' Hinchcliff, well the dead part was accurate :).

Celebrated in Evendim with a puff on Ronald Dwale's pipe - managed to catch the bird that flies out!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Level 37

Apelred made level 37 today by completing the Thief Takers solo! There were so many adventurers on the island that the tomb robbers were getting killed as soon as they spawned!! Still haven't open the right chest for Rummings Ridiculous Request (and have been toasted by those bloody Salamanders!). Also got beaten up by level 50s by going to Tyl Annun instead of Tyl Ruinen (Doh). Got the guide to Evendim & 10 tomb raiders sashes for a peak inside Tinnudir Keep. A very good nights questing :).

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Level 36

Apelred acheived level 36 completing a Snarling Threat and Book 4 Chapter 2. B4C2 nearly finished before it started as the Trolls respawned on top of us and we had to run for our lives!

Friday, October 03, 2008

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

Apelred Bio

Apelred is a hobbit who lives in Middle Earth. The Eldar server on LOTRO Europe to be precise.
He is a hunter and explorer, and proud member of the Flaming Halflings.
At the moment he is level 34 and looking after his money like a Sackville-Baggins so he can afford a mount at level 35. Currently his coin-pouch is bulging with just over 4 gold so the 4.2 gold needed will soon be achieved.

His main money making scheme was to 'uproot' around 50 elite Huorn trees in the Old Forest to find 4 Broken Heartwoods and gather stacks of Ash Wood. These he sent to Florandir his Elf-friend alt who crafted Hardened Ash Bows to sell on the auction house at 250 silver a time!