Apelred (Hunter) & friends Phaedrus (Captain), Sofor (Guardian), Colzarak (Guardain) , Cyroen (Captain) braved the Tomb of Elendil yesterday. They fought the tomb robbers, kegrim, great tomb crawlers & Idella the Crypt Breaker but the Silithar had gone! Gwindeth told us it we would have to try and get it from Nornagol the Giant Turtle's lair without waking him!
More disease ridden kegrim were defeated on the way to the Giant Turtle's lair where we saw Crackshell a giant kegrim and Nornagol an enormous turtle asleep with the Silithar between them.
Jumping down, Crackshell attacked us and then kindly woke up the turtle who ate him! Nornagol's shell was nearly impenetrable and the belly flop stunned us all allowing the waves of little turtle friends to chew us up and we failed.
As long as we reenter the instance quickly we can continue where we left off. We decided the group was too low in both DPS & healing so Sofor gave way to Brenville (Minstrel) & Phaedrus gave way to Gastano (Hunter). Luckily Hwee (Guardian) came online and helped us out to make the fellowship 6 and give us a chance to crack Nornagol's shell with an all 6 Spider Guile (yellow) Fellowship manoeuvre.
So sprint through the now empty Tomb and try again. We didn't realise the extent of Sauron's cunning as he made the phone ring so Gastano didn't join the fight straight away and had an an elite kegrim in tow when he did. With the new fellowship we did a lot better and frustratingly got Nornagol down from 30,828 morale to just 800 before we all got defeated.
We were well over our allotted time but had to give it one more try. Sprint through the empty Tomb again. While waiting for the dread from defeat to wear off Apelred decided to take a screen shot and fell off the edge (Fool of a Hobbit). Luckily the sleepers did not wake up and we could wade in fully refreshed. This time things went a lot better and despite only getting to 5 yellows on the fellowship manoeuvre we defeated Nornagol without losing a man - HOORAY!
Gwindeth helpfully reminded us she told us not to wake the turtle (cheers) and we returned to Calenglad for our rewards wondering how this can be a level 40 quest???
Here is a slideshow of screen shots showing our trip down the Tomb of Elendil
Made with Slideshow Embed Tool
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