The Flaming Halflings help Apelred to get his Hunter's Class Quest that gives Explosive Arrow (30s stun) if 5 Trapper of Foes traits are slotted. Apelred is trying that setup and it adds variety to the Hunter game play & makes you think a lot more. DPS is noticeably reduced and Penetrating Shot is on 30s cooldown so you cannot rely on a straight damage race and have to use the trapper options, Penetrating Shot 10s root, Combat Traps, Rain of Thorns, Explosive Arrow 30s stun & Bards Arrow fear. The 30s stun is good for taking out a big hitter when pulling a group. This setup stops one of my favorite combos Bards Arrow>Penetrating Shot (hits within 2 secs so does not break the fear) as the 10s root breaks the fear.
Trapper of Foes is not a general use setup so would require retraiting which costs 350s a time so 700s to swap to this setup & back again. Thats far too expensive so the only time I might use it would be when soloing where you need extra crowd control. Having tried this setup for two sessions the crowd control benefits do not outweigh the DPS reduction so its back to my Bowmaster and Hunstman combo (Strong Draw & Resolute Aim were unchanged - reslotted are Swift & True, Arrow Storm, Hail of Arrows, Critical Eye and Swift Recovery)
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Sunday, November 01, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Floribunda does Floyd
In a tribute to the recently departed TV chef Keith Floyd (not sure how she knows about him in Middle Earth but never mind) Apelreds cooking friend Floribunda cooks in some interesting Shire locations to achieve her Taste of Skill part 3 quest.
Later a kindly dwarf named Colzarak helped Floribunda collect the Giant Boar Flank needed for her Taste of Skill part 4 quest allowing her to make Apelred some tasty snacks for second breakfast ;-).
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Later a kindly dwarf named Colzarak helped Floribunda collect the Giant Boar Flank needed for her Taste of Skill part 4 quest allowing her to make Apelred some tasty snacks for second breakfast ;-).
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Friday, October 16, 2009
Apelred gets his goat

UPDATE - should have saved his in game money as it may be possible to buy a goat as part of the Adventurer's Pack, note this is only available in the US, at time of posting (5th Oct) Codemasters hadn't announced the European options.
Siege of Mirkwood Pre-order Programme Details
Pre-order one of the Siege of Mirkwood package options below today and qualify for the following exclusive pre-order bonus items, benefits and offers:
- Siege of Mirkwood Standard Edition £14.99 / 19.99 €
- Siege of Mirkwood expansion
- And the Harbinger’s Cloak which provides an 8% speed boost for FREE!
- Siege of Mirkwood expansion
- Siege of Mirkwood Special Edition £19.99 / 27.99 €
- Siege of Mirkwood expansion
- LOTRO Adventurer's Pack
- And the Harbinger’s Cloak which provides an 8% speed boost and a new unique mount entirely FREE!
- Siege of Mirkwood expansion
- LOTRO Triple Pack Standard Edition £29.99 / 39.99 €
- The Lord of the Rings Online™: Shadows of Angmar™, Mines of Moria™ expansion and the Siege of Mirkwood expansion
- And the Harbinger’s Cloak which provides an 8% speed boost for FREE!
- The Lord of the Rings Online™: Shadows of Angmar™, Mines of Moria™ expansion and the Siege of Mirkwood expansion
- LOTRO Triple Pack Special Edition £34.99 / 49.99 €
- The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar, Mines of Moria expansion and the Siege of Mirkwood expansion
- LOTRO Adventurer's Pack
- The Harbinger’s Cloak which provides an 8% speed boost and a new unique mount completely FREE!
- The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar, Mines of Moria expansion and the Siege of Mirkwood expansion
Additional offers available to order soon:
- LOTRO Adventurer's Pack £4.99 / 6.99 € – Includes two character slots and one shared storage providing 20 additional slots that allows players to share items with all of their characters on the same server
- The Loot Bag £4.99 / 6.99 € – Includes ten special in-game items especially selected from all items ever released!

Sunday, October 11, 2009
Lotro & Lore
I came across these very thoughtful articles on how well Tolkien's lore has been implemented in LOTRO - well worth a look.
Friday, October 02, 2009
Hall of Mirrors
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Apelred Colzarak & Brenville braved Lumul-Nar the Hall of Mirrors and after considerable difficulty getting past the Wargs went on swivel mirrors around and defeat Morroval although not quite quickly enough in the case of the Taskmistresses who managed to defeat Colzarak with their 1000% damage after 45 seconds buff! The party went on to find the Gift of Gorothul for Apelred to complete Book 8 chapter 3, but was not up to taking on the final boss.
Being the only Medium armour wearer and offhand weapon wielder he got 2 very nice rewards of a dagger and helmet pushing his morale over the 4000 mark.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Lucky Legacies
He found a level 60 crossbow for 4 gold that had Induction Bow Crit, Range Skill Evade and Induction Bow Threat Down Legacies, all ones he likes.
He bought it and started applying all the saved xp runes which was just enough to get it up to Level 30. He named it Ascarsul meaning violent wind (hopefully, elvish is not his strong suit), and with reforging added Quick Shot Threat Down and Focus Bow Crit both tier 6 and upgraded Induction Bow Threat Down to Tier 5 - a very nice result.
Here is the xbow before he applies any Legendary Points, most will be going on DPS.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Kindred with the Galadhrim

Apelred completes the Flet Runner challenges in Caras Galadhon that elevates his reputation with the Galadhrim to Kindred and opens up the gamble of a Hunters Gift Box giving a Second Age Weapon - wish him luck!
UPDATE - your best wishes fell on deaf ears as Apelred only got a Rune and a Box of Relics for all that hard work - no Second Age weapon :( - I guess he will just have to save his pennies and buy one.

Monday, July 20, 2009
Drakes & Dunlandings
Apelred Colzarak & Brenville attempt 2 of the 3 man instances in Echad Dunnan and make a generous contribution to Brenville's rez deed. Somehow we didn't totally wipe on either but we were a bit rusty on the pulling & patrol management, great fun though.
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Friday, July 17, 2009
Vol 2 Book 7 Chapters 1 to 3
Apelred talks to the fellowship as they rest in Lothlorien and vouches for Bosi who has come to ask for aid from the elves for the fight in Moria.
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Sights of Caras Galadhon
Aprelred at the entrance to Caras Galadhon.
Apelred relaxes in a flet.
Apelred gazes on the beauty of Galadriels Garden
Apelred relaxes in a flet.
Apelred gazes on the beauty of Galadriels Garden
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Level 60
Apelred learns the story of how Aragorn won the love of the Lady Arwen and is rewarded with Level 60 & the Defender of Lothlorien title for completing 25 quests.
He also became a friend of the Galadhrim and will be allowed to pass into the elven city.
A real milestone for Apelred!
He also became a friend of the Galadhrim and will be allowed to pass into the elven city.
A real milestone for Apelred!
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Level 59
Brenville helps Apelred to gain the trust of those cautious Lothlorien elves and to kill lots of orcs that get him to Level 59 and get his current batch of level 57 ledgendary weapons to level 11 to be reforged so they can be replaced by level 59 weapons. Plus managed to combine relics to get another tier 6 item but sadly not the hunter friendly one. A great nights session!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Level 58

A few quests later and Apelred just made level 58 which gives him Distracting Shot (a stun) to go with Bards Arrow (fear) for some much needed interrupt capability.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Level 57

Apelred (thanks the Flaming Halflings help) has been assisting dwarfs for Vol 2 Book 4 Chapters
3,4 & 5.
He also dinged level 57 during quests in the Waterworks, and got a level 57 legendary x-bow, and the 21st Hall travel skill, and slotted a class trait so quite a good couple of nights questing!
Friday, May 08, 2009
The Forgotten Treasury
Apelred does lots of waving at dwarfs in Vol 2 Book 3 Chapter 7 and then joins the Flaming Halflings & friend in the Forgotten Treasury after which he does the precurser quests in the Deep Decent (that's the wrong order methinks).
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Book 13 Doom of the Last-King
Apelred ventures to the icy north of Forochel to progress the search for the second half of the ring Narchuil. Aided by Brenville & Aconite, Apelred manages to gain the trust of the northerners and learns the fate of the last king of Arnor, Arvedui.
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Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Revenge on Mordirith
The Flaming Halflings vowed revenge on Mordirith and set off for Carn Dum well equipped with Lamb and Barley soup & Hope tokens. We fought through to the Seat of the Witch King to face Mordirith again. After a comprehensive briefing from Tobimory & Tipsie our fellowship worked like a well oiled machine and took down Mordirith on the first attempt with no casualties. We celebrated with some team photos on the Witch King's Throne, Brenville dances with joy while Tobimory & Aconite sit in the throne seats.

Then on to defeat Helgcham which faltered on the way when we couldn't get out of combat until Aconite suggested lying down on the job and we had a group Hobbit Silence.
Helgcham was efficiently dispatched, only for half the group to fall in the sewers when leaving and required resurrecting by Brenville!

We finished off by finding the Duvardain Quarters and escorting Erscin to safety. That quest enabled Apelred to make level 56. What a great night.

Here is a slideshow of our adventures.
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Then on to defeat Helgcham which faltered on the way when we couldn't get out of combat until Aconite suggested lying down on the job and we had a group Hobbit Silence.

Helgcham was efficiently dispatched, only for half the group to fall in the sewers when leaving and required resurrecting by Brenville!

We finished off by finding the Duvardain Quarters and escorting Erscin to safety. That quest enabled Apelred to make level 56. What a great night.

Here is a slideshow of our adventures.
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Saturday, April 18, 2009
Volume 2 Book 3
The Flaming Halflings guide Apelred all round Moria to find the Book of Mazarbul and discover the Orcs plans.
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Sunday, April 05, 2009
Level 55 thanks to Vol2 Book 7 Changes
Apelred & Colzarak explore the Redhorn Pass using the new Quest Guide introduced in Vol 2 Book 7 & get a free level thanks to the revised experience curve.
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Saturday, March 28, 2009
A Shot in the Dark (at last)

Apelred finally found the last page of A Shot in the Dark after killing only 5 goblins in the Misty Mountains - result.
He now has Bards Arrow skill which gives a fear effect - very handy.
Level 54 (and didn't notice!)

Apelred made level 54 during the Flaming Halflings fight with Mordirith - the fight was so intense he didn't even notice until afterwards!
Mordirith's Revenge
The Flaming Halflings venture into Carn Dum and defeat the final group of Champions of Carn Dum until we encountered Mordirith who's fear, dread and debuffs proved too much for our party. We will return better equipped to finish him off!
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Thursday, March 19, 2009
A Room with a View

Update - pesky dormouse returned to Florandir who has installed the little chap in the new house.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Carn Dum
The Flaming Halflings muster a full fellowship to venture into Carn Dum for a great night of adventuring. The only hiccup was when Aconite & Tormay got knocked off a bridge by a Troll. Apelred was gifted a Medallion of Passage and the Putrid Slime of Helchgam that he needs for his final legendary quest. He also picked up a page of 'A Shot in the Dark' leaving only one page to find in the Misty Mountains. Tormay made level 53. What a great night!
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Volume 2 Book 2
The Flaming Halflings guide Apelred around the Mines of Moria in a search for the fabled lost forge called The Heart of Fire
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Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The Flaming Halflings show Apelred the horrors that dwell in Urugarth, & then show him how to exterminate them ...
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Level 53 and a Radiant Cloak
Apelred makes level 53 by completing Book 12 and gets a Radiant cloak from Elrond (look out for it in the next screen shots).
Goblin Town final visit
Apelred, Tormay, Colzarak, Tobimory & Tipsie completed the final set of Goblin Town quests. Apelred still hasn't got his last 2 pages for Shot In The Dark :(
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Book 12 All Chapters
The search for Amarthiel's ring half succeeds when half the ring is found. The rescued Laerdan is summoned by Elrond to the Council of Narchuil to explain himself. (71 pics!)
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Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Book 11 Chapters 7 to 13
The search for Amarthiel's ring reveals Laerdan's terrible secret.
(Note to save multiple slideshows all running at once you have to manually start this slideshow by clicking the green arrow once or twice - it contains 61 pictures! To see larger images and choose the timing double click to start Picasa and select Slideshow in the top left corner)
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(Note to save multiple slideshows all running at once you have to manually start this slideshow by clicking the green arrow once or twice - it contains 61 pictures! To see larger images and choose the timing double click to start Picasa and select Slideshow in the top left corner)
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Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Level 52 and The Furthest Charge
Apelred achieved level 52 during his encounters with the wood trolls and then managed to buy the three missing pages of The Furthest Charge for the total price of 2 Gold, quite a bargain. Now it will be raining thorns!
Book 5 Chapters 3 to 7
The Flaming Halflings help Apelred, Colzarak and Tobimory defeat Skorgrim and then witness the rebirth of the terrible dragon Thorog before fighting the Nazgul.
Apelred wears 'A Light From The Shadow' title with pride after completing books 1 to 8.
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Apelred wears 'A Light From The Shadow' title with pride after completing books 1 to 8.
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Monday, February 16, 2009
Book 11 Chapters 1 to 7
Apelred & Tormay are on the trail of Armarthiel's army as they search Trollshaws for the missing ring
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Book 10
The Flaming Halflings spoil Amarthiel's party but not before she gets a clue to the location of her missing ring.
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Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Level 51
Apelred makes level 51 by completing Articles of Discovery, getting the traveling skill to Echad Dunnan, defeating the Watcher in the Water and getting his first sight of the Mines of Moria and popping back to Forochel for a spot of fishing. This means he can get the legendary weapons kindly donated by Gastano identified and start them leveling up.
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Monday, February 02, 2009
The Great Goblin
Apelred, Tormay, Colzarak & Phaedrus venture down to Goblin Town to defeat the Great Goblin and free Aeglas & Glorwen.
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Saturday, January 31, 2009
The Way of the Hunter in Goblin Town
Apelred joined Tormay, Colzarak & Phaedrus for a trip down Goblin Town and found the missing pages of The Way of the Hunter which gives the Press Onwards heal trait. This can be made an in-combat skill with the correct combination of traits so a trip to the bard is called for.
Fellowship Manoeuvers were coming regularly - here is a shot of Chaos in the Ranks (4 yellows)
Fellowship Manoeuvers were coming regularly - here is a shot of Chaos in the Ranks (4 yellows)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Level 50
Apelred reached the milestone of level 50 and special thanks must go to his kinfolk Tormay, Aconite, Gastano and Aislina for their patience, advice and guidance during a thrilling series of quests in Carn Dum.
Tormay's friend Ceshac assisted Apelred's friend Floribunda to complete Call of the Precious Things IV so she can start polishing the beryls that have been kindly donated by her kinfolk.

Also in the news Captain Grimberg made a rare outing making level 15 which means he can successfully do the Tier 2 Weaponsmithing quest that he tried and failed (numerous times) at level 13 as the quest has a level limit.

Tormay's friend Ceshac assisted Apelred's friend Floribunda to complete Call of the Precious Things IV so she can start polishing the beryls that have been kindly donated by her kinfolk.

Also in the news Captain Grimberg made a rare outing making level 15 which means he can successfully do the Tier 2 Weaponsmithing quest that he tried and failed (numerous times) at level 13 as the quest has a level limit.

Book 9 Oakheart's Note - SPOILER
Apelred & Tormay visit Aragorn & Gandalf who ask them to investigate the mysterious old crone hobbit Sara Oakheart and are guided by their kinfolk on a hairy journey to Ninas Deloth. SPOILER Sara Oakheart's secret is revealed.
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Book 8 Mordirith's Fall
Apelred & Tormay assisted by their kinfolk go with Golodir to avenge Lorniel's death at the hands of Mordirith the False King.
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Book 8 The Flickering Flame
Apelred & Tormay brave Carn Dum again with their Flaming Halfling kin. Note to Apel - the quests go much better if you actually have them in your quest log first - foolish hobbit. During this quest Apelred was kindly gifted the Rune of Winged Dominance he needs for his Legendary quest and his Legendary weapon reached level 10 requiring a reforging to progress further.
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The Gates of Carn Dum
Apelred & Tormay get lots of help from the Flaming Halflings kinfolk helping Lorniel search for her father Golodir.
In the first pic I think Tormay must be showing us the size of the giant goldfish that got away on his last angling trip?
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In the first pic I think Tormay must be showing us the size of the giant goldfish that got away on his last angling trip?
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Sunday, January 25, 2009
A Weapon of the Elder Days
Apelred is awarded his first legendary weapon that he needs to fight the Watcher in the Deep
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Vol 2 Book 1 Chapter 8 Before the Doors of Durin
Filgogan caves
Apelred, Colzarak & Tormay were joined by Vectis to complete the quests in the Filgogan caves.
After 2 years Apelred has eventually been followed into the caves by his friend Grimberg who took some notes and created this map to aid fellow adventurers.
Filgogan Caves Map
After 2 years Apelred has eventually been followed into the caves by his friend Grimberg who took some notes and created this map to aid fellow adventurers.
Filgogan Caves Map
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Nefs New Shield - the ungrateful git
You go to all the trouble of helping a dwarf get a new shield and all he cares about are the repair bills!
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Forochel ritual
Apelred earned his aquaintance reputation with the Forochel locals by performing this feather throwing ritual. This means he has been shown the secret ways to travel to Forochel using his hunters travelling skills.
Tent burning vandals
Apelred and Tormay are upsetting the Angmarim by burning down their tents - they make a nice blaze :)
Level 49
The defeat of this humble spider gave me the experience to progress to level 49 & also contributed to completion of Emnity of the Spiders level 2.
Silk Lady & The Ancient Lair
Apelred, Colzarak & Tormay took on the silk lady and her spiders and won. Then optimistically attempted to free Bethad from the ancient lair. We managed it in the end but only with multiple episodes of defeat, running away and resurrections! Strangely after running away and re-entering we could pull the mobs one at a time which really helped. Our fellowship manoeuvre Sinister Plan worked very well.
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Book 7
Apelred & Colzarak run around most of Middle Earth completing Book 7 - thank goodness Apelred has his hunters traveling skills. Chapter 8 will need some help from our friends.
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Saturday, January 17, 2009
Guide to East Angmar

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