UPDATE - should have saved his in game money as it may be possible to buy a goat as part of the Adventurer's Pack, note this is only available in the US, at time of posting (5th Oct) Codemasters hadn't announced the European options.
Siege of Mirkwood Pre-order Programme Details
Pre-order one of the Siege of Mirkwood package options below today and qualify for the following exclusive pre-order bonus items, benefits and offers:
- Siege of Mirkwood Standard Edition £14.99 / 19.99 €
- Siege of Mirkwood expansion
- And the Harbinger’s Cloak which provides an 8% speed boost for FREE!
- Siege of Mirkwood expansion
- Siege of Mirkwood Special Edition £19.99 / 27.99 €
- Siege of Mirkwood expansion
- LOTRO Adventurer's Pack
- And the Harbinger’s Cloak which provides an 8% speed boost and a new unique mount entirely FREE!
- Siege of Mirkwood expansion
- LOTRO Triple Pack Standard Edition £29.99 / 39.99 €
- The Lord of the Rings Online™: Shadows of Angmar™, Mines of Moria™ expansion and the Siege of Mirkwood expansion
- And the Harbinger’s Cloak which provides an 8% speed boost for FREE!
- The Lord of the Rings Online™: Shadows of Angmar™, Mines of Moria™ expansion and the Siege of Mirkwood expansion
- LOTRO Triple Pack Special Edition £34.99 / 49.99 €
- The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar, Mines of Moria expansion and the Siege of Mirkwood expansion
- LOTRO Adventurer's Pack
- The Harbinger’s Cloak which provides an 8% speed boost and a new unique mount completely FREE!
- The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar, Mines of Moria expansion and the Siege of Mirkwood expansion
Additional offers available to order soon:
- LOTRO Adventurer's Pack £4.99 / 6.99 € – Includes two character slots and one shared storage providing 20 additional slots that allows players to share items with all of their characters on the same server
- The Loot Bag £4.99 / 6.99 € – Includes ten special in-game items especially selected from all items ever released!

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