Huntsman capstone Improved Fleetness (30 sec duration 30 sec cooldown) replaces Rain of Thorns (3 min cooldown) and joins Press Onward and Bard's Arrow. Combined with Low Cut this should enable some useful kiting to reduce the amount of melee damage taken when Apel gets in a tight spot. Its a real shame Combat Traps still leaves you vulnerable to interruption reducing its value.

Analysis of Induction Decreases with 5 Blue (5B), Fast Draw (FD), Needful Haste (NH) & Improved Fleetness (IF) running. Fast Draw doesnt seem worth it with 5 blue as Swift Bow only gets a 0.1 second reduction.
Barbed Arrow 1.5 to 0.8 (5B -0.3, FD -0.1, NH -0.25, IF -0.1)
Swift Bow 2.0 to 0.9 (5B -0.4, FD -0.1, NH -0.5, IF -0.1)
Quick Shot 1.0 to 0.7 (5B -0.2, IF -0.1)
Apelred finds using Improved Fleetness is like banking 6 focus and then withdrawing one every 5 seconds, combined with Precision Stance focus flows very nicely.
Apel is experimenting with an Improved Fleetness shot rotation inspired by a post by Marithil.
For tougher opponents this includes stacking Improved Fleetness, Needful Haste, Burn Hot and Improved Focus and getting off as many Blood Arrows and Improved Penetrating Shots as focus allows. This gets him between 375 to 450 DPS against slightly lower level signature Dun Bulls.
For trash mobs opening with Improved Focus, Improved Fleetness, Improved Focus, Blood Arrow, 2X Improved Penetrating Shot, Barbed Arrow, Swift Bow, Merciful Shot is working well.
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